
Raised on the west coast, Sean Harsch is a PNW based photographer, husband, and father. Currently focusing on wildlife and nature photography.

My name is Sean Harsch, and I am a creative operator, photographer, husband, and father from Washington State. I am fascinated by the exploration and expression that life provides to the fortunate, and my goal is to share my creative journey with you.

I wish I could say that my journey into photography started when I was really young. In reality, I’m not entirely sure when it all began. As a kid, I was always interested in pictures, but not so much in the art of capturing light.

I would save photos of anything that caught my eye—family images, pictures from Nat Geo magazines, various posters, and postcards. It didn’t matter; if I thought it looked cool, I would save it.

Of course, this didn’t help my hoarding tendencies, but it did eventually lead me to buy my first camera.

I don’t even remember the details, to be honest, but I just started taking pictures of all sorts of things—friends, cars, landscapes, animals, buildings, you name it. If it looked rad, I would grab a shot.

Landscape and urban photography has always been a passion of mine. I love to capture memorable moments and stories with my camera, but I have a bad habit of never sharing my shots or even looking at them. I just loved to shoot.

Something changed in 2017. I decided I was ready to perfect this passion.

Thousands of shots and hundreds of YouTube videos later, I realized it was time to expand my approach and invite others into my world. My aspiration is to pass along some inspiration and education to you, as countless mentors have done for me.

And the funny thing is, half the time, I never even developed the images. It was like I was documenting these small moments in my life for no obvious reason.

I believe each of us is on a journey full of endless possibilities. This chapter of my life has me focusing on past decisions and understanding how they influence me now. This understanding can be achieved through creative expression, unlocking an awareness of how our external world shapes us through the cosmic dance that is life (heavy stuff, right?).

I believe everyone is a creative; we just express ourselves differently. Some people express their creativity through traditional means, such as art, music, writing, or photography. Others might be less conventional, like their ability to organize data on a spreadsheet or their method for keeping wrinkles out of their clothes.

I hope my path influences and inspires you, and I look forward to hearing more about your journey!