So it begins…

Starting a website is a weird experience. Feels like I am documenting the “greatest hits” of my creative expression while establishing an outlet for posts like this.

So why make an official site and why now?

Well, for starters, I believe everybody should own the URL for their own name. I have been paying for mine for years now so why not use it? I am also lucky enough to have a somewhat unique name so my URL was available.

When it comes down to it, I need an outlet for my creative energy now that my middle aged efforts are no longer focused on music.

Photography has been a subject in my life for almost two decades, but I really didn't decide to start to develop this skill set until 2014. Prior to that, I just took photos for fun and memories.

Along this journey I have also found that what I love more than the act of taking photos is the creative process. I love learning about the gear, the science of manipulating light, framing an image to make it… interesting. And well, of course, having an awesome photo is pretty cool as well.

While I am not sure where this journey will take me, I can assure you that I will bring you along on my creative path. You never know, perhaps my experiences will help influence yours like many who have inspired me.

So there you have it. Welcome to my website, where cool things are bound to happen.

Follow me on socials and say hello; I would love to hear from you.

explore. capture. create.

A day in the San Juans